Contact IR

This page is intended only to questions about Investor Relations. For further information visit:

SLC Agrícola S.A.

Nilo Peçanha Avenue, room 301 – Neighborhood: Boa Vista
ZIP Code 91.330.-002 Porto Alegre -RS- Brazil
Phone: + 55 (51) 32307799 Fax: + 55 (51) 32307750

Ivo Marcon Brum
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

Rodrigo Gelain
Financial and Investor Relations Manager
(55) 51 3230 7757

Alisandra Reis
Investor Relations Coordinator
(55) 51 3230 7797

IR Team hours of operations are from 8am through 6pm. Alternatively, questions can be sent to our IR e-mail box: Our aim is to answer queries within 24 hours.


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Last updated on February 21, 2022.